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Motivational Insights by Dr Des

Oct 1

Tithes + offerings = God’s Protection. But, alms + poor = God’s Multiplication

Category: Insights

The above equation is really how the God of the Bible works. If we are obedient to give our tithes and offerings, as He says in Malachi 3:8-12,  He says He will protect our source of supply and keep the devourer from us, that is, we have His protection on all that we have been blessed with.  But did you know that when you take of your sustenance and generously give to the poor you will be loaning to God (Proverbs 19:17) and oh the interest (paraphrased)!!  Over the past couple of weeks Dr. Des has been doing a series on giving and when he teaches it is from his experiences.

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He is not talking about “pie in the sky” but the reality of his giving and the examples the Holy Spirit has taught him.  This week he is going to share two examples of what happened in his life which will be a way you too can glean from his experiences and apply it to your life.  When Jesus says that a person has ‘good eyes’ what does he mean?  Enough said, let’s go and see this weeks posting. . . . .

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One Response to “Tithes + offerings = God’s Protection. But, alms + poor = God’s Multiplication”

  1. David Hairabedian Says:

    Michael Matthews suggested we get together. I have enjoyed your teachings this morning. Give me a call at the timing of the Lord. My phone number is (816) 349-2571.

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