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Motivational Insights by Dr Des

Archive for the 'Scriptures' Category

Global Warming or is it God’s Warning to humanity?

February 28th, 2010 | Category: Scriptures, Insights

Dr. Des this week looks at the current news that has been reported all over the world about the climactic changes that we are experiencing.  From floods to drought in Africa to massive snow storms in Europe and the USA; devastating earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Japan to wars and rumors of war.  Let’s hear what Dr. Des has to say about this and is there any hope for the

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this present generation.

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“The Devil goes around like a roaring lion . . .”

December 01st, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

Dr. Des’ posting Coinstar locations this week has an indepth look at the Scriptures quoted in the Title. You will be pleasantly surprised to hear what

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he has to say about the Devil.

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Feel like ‘jumping ship’ lately? Jonah did!

November 26th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

Your boat (life) might be all calm oneday and the next the winds come, the waves get a little rougher and

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before you know it you are bailing water to remain afloat. Maybe it’s time to jump ship (your comfort zone) and see what happens?

icon for podpressicon for podpress  Feel like 'jumping ship' lately? Jonah did! [4:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1210)
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Life - Liberty - Freedom - Happiness is the result of someone’s ultimate sacrifice!

November 12th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

Western nations are the bastion of Freedom and many wars within and without have been fought to preserve the symbolism of the above mentioned ideals. These nations see this human right intrinsic to the human condition and are not prepared to give up those attributes that God has bestowed on the human race. Dr. Des’ posting this week is going to elaborate even more on the depth of our freedoms that are God given and

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that you can enjoy today.

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God speaks to His people in the Bible, right! He still speaks to His people today as well.

October 25th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

When you are reading Scriptures you will find that God spoke to his people at various times throughout the Bible. It was His desire that the recipients would follow the instructions as it was given to them. Many times the recipients decided to do it their way ie, to doubt the Word they had received and God dealt with their unbelief accordingly but those who believed, eg Mary the mother Coinstar locations of Jesus, were blessed. Dr. Des’ s fir

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st experience in hearing the Word of God happened early one morning. He was in prayer and meditating on the Scriptures when the Spirit of God called Dr. Des into the ministry. Dr. Des will fill you in in this posting as to what happened and how it came about and how you too can expect to hear the Spirit of God speak to you.

icon for podpressicon for podpress  God speaks to His people in the Bible, right! He still speaks to His people today as well. [4:39m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (848)
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Now that you are tithing don’t forget you need to give offerings too!

September 24th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

In Malachi 3:8 we see that God says that we need to “Test” Him. This is the only place in the Bible where God gives you His permission to do just that. Maybe you are perplexed at this statement coming from God of Heaven and Earth and you maybe asking yourself “How do I test Him?” You would do that by firstly believing that He is going to bless you when you do what He says and secondly, you will be taking your finances putting God to the test that He will honor His Word to you who believe. You will find in this section of Scripture that it is not only tithing that he says you must do but also offerings and this word is plural since it has to do with more than one. We find in 1 Cor. that Paul is instructing the believers to give “Thanksgiving Offerings” and in Deut. we also find that there are another type of offering to give and that is Alms to the poor. In this weeks posting Dr.

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Des is going to encourage you on the first one and next week he will deal with the second. So, let’s go and hear what he has to say this week . . . .

icon for podpressicon for podpress  Now that you are tithing don't forget you need to give offerings too! [3:09m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (202)
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Tithing is under the Law we don’t do that anymore, really?

September 17th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

In this posting we are dealing with finances, namely how God provides for His work here on earth.

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We will discover some facts about the “Tithe”, and get a better understanding of this word and it’s meaning. We will also discover its inception and how it applies to our lives today, even after thousands of years have passed. Dr. Des’ posting is going to show that as we follow the instructions in the Scriptures concerning giving, we will be blessed and motivated to do even more. Let’s go and hear what he has to say . . .

icon for podpressicon for podpress  Tithing is under the Law we don't do that anymore, really? [3:47m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (200)
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Your life will tell the story

September 04th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

Since Dr. Des has been discovering one’s citizenship, he has come to discover many Biblical truths hidden in daily life. In this posting Dr. Des’ thoughts are going to orientate around characteristics which clearly “tell” which country a person is from. For instance, one’s accent; how one dresses; even the food one eats. These are “telling” signs. So it is in the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness.

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The Bible will clearly lay it out for you as Dr. Des motivates you to be a better citizen of the Kingdom of God. Let’s hear what he has to say in this posting. . . .

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Fellowcitizens, what does that mean?

September 04th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

In this weeks posting Dr. Des is going to explain how becoming a citizen of the US is so applicable to the Biblical truths which state we are “no longer foreigners or aliens . . . ” (Eph. 2:19), but citizens of the Kingdom

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of God. He will also explain the insights one gathers. from going through this process himself. That is changing from a foreinger to a legal citizen, now having all the rights and privileges citizens enjoy. This will help you understand that the process God uses for us to become citizens of His Kingdom is light years ahead of any earthly nation. And, the Rights & Priviledges one enjoys is all in the Manual He has provided us with, namely: The Bible.

icon for podpressicon for podpress  Fellowcitizens, what does that mean? [5:39m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (177)
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God has this to say about your spiritual health.

August 14th, 2007 | Category: Scriptures

Dr. Des’ post will take the results of one’s condition as God has declared it and examine it against the Almighty. God clearly wants us to have a clean bill of health, but, He declares that all sin will not go unpunished!

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And, now that we have compared our lives in light of the Scriptures, we have come to the conclusion that an antidote is needed otherwise we are going to die because of our disease and be separated from God for all eternity. How do we solve this problem?

icon for podpress  God has this to say about your spiritual health. [3:29m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (157)
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