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Motivational Insights by Dr Des

Oct 8

“Peace with God” or “Peace of God” that is the question!

Category: Insights

In this life peace is very illusive. One minute one has it and the next it is gone! Is it possible to have peace no matter what circumstances one finds oneself in? Since most of us operate on a “I feel good today basis” and therefore peaceful, we hope against all odds that the bottom of our world is not going to fall out in the next couple of minutes or hours and “l (we are peaceful) and the next moment our world seems to collapse in on itself (no peace). How can this be? Listen there is hope and this week Dr Des is going to explain to you that there is a ‘peace that surpasses our understanding’ and it is available in the here and now, today! So let’s go and get a glimpse of the peace that we so desperately need to get us through our daily living.

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