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Motivational Insights by Dr Des

Oct 25

God speaks to His people in the Bible, right! He still speaks to His people today as well.

Category: Scriptures

When you are reading Scriptures you will find that God spoke to his people at various times throughout the Bible. It was His desire that the recipients would follow the instructions as it was given to them. Many times the recipients decided to do it their way ie, to doubt the Word they had received and God dealt with their unbelief accordingly but those who believed, eg Mary the mother Coinstar locations of Jesus, were blessed. Dr. Des’ s fir

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st experience in hearing the Word of God happened early one morning. He was in prayer and meditating on the Scriptures when the Spirit of God called Dr. Des into the ministry. Dr. Des will fill you in in this posting as to what happened and how it came about and how you too can expect to hear the Spirit of God speak to you.

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